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Ready Set Inc. is first and foremost, a service company. Since our start in 1997, we’ve been the standard bearer for set-building in the NYC metro area. Our mission is to exceed client expectations. We deliver solutions from our Custom Fabrication shop and our Rentals Division is here to accommodate the needs of clients who may not have the time or budget to have a set custom made to spec.

The Ready Set Rentals web site showcases a diverse range of products that we specialize in, pre-made floors, walls and shapes that can be rented individually or as a complete set, with a minimum of work required to transport and setup. We also offer delivery and installation based on our availability, let us know if that’s something you’re interested in.

In this unique industry every job has specific requirements. While clients can browse the site and add items to the cart to request a quote, all orders are finalized with direct communication with one of our producers to create the best experience and result possible.

Our 30,000 square foot Brooklyn facility spans a full block with 6 access points on two streets to accommodate loading in and dropping off and our team is here to help you with both.

We look forward to hearing from you!


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